An introduction of sorts...

Posted: Tuesday, May 21, 2013 by Unknown in Labels... we have 'em: , , , ,

Hi. Before we start this journey, you'll need to know a little more about me. My name is Kaylee and I am fourteen. I have had weight problems nearly all of my life. I recently peaked at 239.6 pounds (108.91 kgs). So, that along with my measurements means that 60.9% of me is body fat. It's insane... and incredibly scary. I want to get fit. I will get fit. And if you go along with me during this journey -hopefully- you will, too. I will post weekly updates and fitspirational pictures.  
Now, the picture above is something that I found on Tumblr. I have no idea who the photographer is, but if you look under the tag "coffee", I'm sure you'll find them. I chose the picture above for my introduction, because it combines two things that I absolutely love - coffee and good music. 
My mind is extremely cluttered, so I am going to leave it at this. See you next week!

1 Thoughts:

  1. Smurf says:

    Congrats on starting and thanks for sharing this! You will do well. You have a goal, a direction to go and the determination. You will reach your goal and I am excited about embarking on this adventure with you. It isn't just a destination, but a journey and I am sure we will learn alot about ourselves as we go! Proverbs says, "All hardwork brings a profit, but mere talk leads to poverty." You have shown its more than talk!