Posted: Thursday, May 23, 2013 by Unknown in
So, I wasn't going to post anything until next week, but something happened last night that really hurt me. This event made me want to write down a list of comments that have stayed with me (and will most likely stay with me forever).
- If you have read my mom's blog than you already know this one. My father's adoptive mother,(I refuse to call her my grandmother.) came to visit us when I was five, and one of her first comments towards me involved how I "needed to do some sit-ups". I was at a healthy weight at the time. I believe that this comment was the start of my weight problems.
- I could devote this list to my father's adoptive parents, but I will only list two of their comments, in the spirit of not getting threats from them about suing me. When I was about nine, they said, and I quote, "Kaylee, you will never get anywhere in this life and you will never be able to do anything that you want to do, if you don't take care of that 'little' problem of yours." Five years ago, that crushed me. I had plans to become a pediatrician in the future and it wasn't until recently that I picked back up in my plans to do that. I still have major doubts about how far I can get in life.
- When I was 11, somebody that I thought was a friend of mine, told me the truth. "Aw, come on, Kaylee! You're so big and beefy and ugly! Why would I be friends with somebody like that? You were only my bodyguard! Ha! I mean, have you seen me, I'm tiny and dainty and gorgeous!" Newsflash honey, while I may be big, beefy, and ugly, I own up to it. You are one of the least attractive girls on the planet. Trust me, it's not your DNA, it's your personality.
- When we moved, I thought the bullying that I went through would get better, so I had my mom resign me up for public school. It didn't. If anything it got worse. So, in seventh grade, I made the huge mistake of "befriending" a boy at school. Let's call him Ace. Ace was most definitely not ace. He was one of my best friends for a while and then we had this really idiotic argument. He was pronouncing some foreign word incorrectly, and I corrected him. Anyways, this turned into me calling him an "idiotic American" and him handing me a note (that I turned in to the office) and telling me that I was, "such a cow that it was good thing I didn't work out. I would probably cause an earthquake." Now, I know that I was also in the wrong in this situation, but it doesn't stop his comments from hurting me.
- The same school year that #4 happened in, another mean comment from another mean boy stood out. My mom had gotten me a pair of Shape-ups. I wore them all the time. One time, in between classes, there was this eighth grader, who was literally siting in front of the lockers. "Hey lardass!" he called. I stopped walking and turned to him. I was used to being call 'lardass' at this particular school. "Aren't those Shape-ups? They definitely aren't working! You should try to get a refund!" Ironically, the next day, one of the kids in his posse asked me if I would go out with him. Thinking, no, knowing, that this was a trick, I told the kid to tell him 'no'. He actually looked crushed, which surprised me to no end.
- The same school year that #4 and #5 happened, I had a really bad teacher. Even though we were in a pre-AP course, she would blame the rest of her student's fails on us. We would get yelled at, day after day, when there was nothing we could do about it. How could we control her other kids? For some reason, she loved to look directly at me when she was yelling at us. One day she broke, one of her entire classes got an F. I knew something was wrong when she walked into the room, completely silent. She wiped everything off of the board and looked straight at all of the students, resting her eyes on me last. She completely blew up. She yelled and screamed and sent not only me, but two other students into panic attacks. I don't remember all of what she yelled at us, but I remember her screaming, "You idiots will never do anything except flip burgers! You're all fails! All of you!" It not only sent me back to #2 and made me leave that school, but now whenever I am in a large group of people, and I don't have control over something, I end up having a panic attack. A friend of mine, who happen to be another one of the kids who had a panic attack, told me that she ended up getting fired about a week after I left. Apparently, I wasn't the only kid whose parent's pulled them out of that school for the same reason.
- This last one isn't really a comment, but it still hurt me pretty deep and I still think of it whenever I walk in public. Whenever I walked through the hallways near the class clowns, they would always shout "Elephant coming through!" and make loud stomping noises.